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The primary focus of citation flow is to assess the quantity of links pointing to a webpage or website. The more citations a webpage receives, the higher its citation flow score will be. A high citation flow score signifies a robust link profile and indicates that the webpage has garnered significant attention and interest from other sources. In turn, this increased visibility can positively impact the webpage's search engine rankings, as search engines often consider backlinks as a measure of a page's authority and relevance. While citation flow is an important metric, it's essential to understand its limitations. Citation flow solely focuses on the quantity of links and does not take into account the quality or relevance of those links. Therefore, it is crucial to consider other metrics, such as trust flow, which evaluates the trustworthiness and quality of the linking domains. By combining citation flow and trust flow, SEO professionals can gain a more comprehensive understanding of a webpage's link profile and make informed decisions regarding link building strategies.

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